Hi there! My name is Koko and I am the owner and founder of Mysticalasf. Ever since I was a young child, I had a fascination with astrology and the spiritual realm. At a very young age I even began doing spell work! It was something so natural to me, since then it’s become second nature.

After I had a dark night of the soul, I was completely propelled into a spiritual awakening. Since then, I had begun developing many spiritual gifts and are now a permanent part of my life and practices.

I am a psychic, energy worker, spell caster, and spiritual healer. My spiritual gifts are clairsentience, clairaudience, claircognizance, and clairvoyance. I have over 5 years of experience in spell work, tarot, and astrology. My clients have been able to gain insight and clarity from my tarot and astrological readings as well as energy healing through spell work may it be blockages within themselves or obstacles due to their current situations.